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Arcade and mobile game blogs

Cube Worm: super cute snake game coming from Craneballs

Craneballs is officially known for its amazing works on the Overkill action game ! However, things are about to change for the developer as they are set to deliver an entirely new mobile experience called Cube Worm. The game will be a Snake like title...

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Facebook might soon lose its place as the world’s most downloaded iOS app

Facebook might soon lose its place as the world’s most downloaded iOS app

By now, it is obvious to all that Facebook, indeed, is the leading app in terms of downloads on iOS devices. The social networking app is used by millions and it’s now a must to have it on the go. However, things might soon change! Games like Candy Crush...

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Yahoo Tech showcases the best games from August

The month of August was blessed with thousands of new mobile games and some of the best are now seen on Yahoo Tech’s latest chart. 10 of the best apps now seen on the most popular platforms have been listed and leading the way is Lara Craft Go. The latter...

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The Walking Dead: Road to Survival now out as a new survival game

We have one more amazing mobile game that joins The Walking Dead franchise. It’s called The Walking Dead: Road to Survival and it’s now launched on both the App Store and Google Play. Do note that the app is free-to-play, but it does hold microtransaction...

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The App Store now has LEGO Minifigures Online listed as Free!  

If you are a regular App Store customer, you will surely know that there are some good mobile game deals now within easy reach! One of these is none other than Funcom N.V’s LEGO Minifigures Online. As you probably know, the latter started on Steam and...

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The mobile game industry is now driven by women and not teenage boys!  

The mobile game industry is now driven by women and not teenage boys!   

According to new figures by Flurry, we have confirmation that the mobile game boom is now driven by women. Indeed, unlike popular belief, teenage boys are no longer the ones pushing the industry. They have lost their title due to the emergence of female...

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Pokémon Shuffle finally delivered on iOS and Android stores

As promised earlier, The Pokémon Company has finally delivered its 1st mobile game. That’s none other than the expected Pokémon Shuffle and it’s now free-to-play on both the iOS and Android markets. Do note that this new mobile experience will task players...

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Mutant Football League now being reimagined for modern gaming platforms It’s called Mutant Football League and gamers from the 90s will surely remember it on the Sega Genesis. However, things are about to get better! A new version of the game is now being...

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YouTube Gaming now launched by Google

Google has some good news for all you gamers out there! YouTube Gaming has now been launched and it’s a new service, entirely dedicated to video streaming. Those looking for gaming videos and other related content can refer to this new service as of the...

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Galax=Z: The Dimensional coming to iOS for great space shooting action

It’s being developed by 17-Bit and following a pretty successful journey on PS4, Galak=Z: The Dimensional should bring the action to iOS. The space shooting game will be ready by 2016 and according to the developer, it will land on the App Store 1st....

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