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Arcade and mobile game blogs

Puzzle-gaming thrills with Snail Bob 2 on mobile

If you have an iOS or Android device, it is now possible to experience puzzle-gaming thrills for free! The title that you might want to look out for is Andrey Kovalishin’s Snail Bob 2. Even if the latter might seems to target a younger audience, older...

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Google Play is also hosting Super Mario Run

Folks with an Android smartphone or tablet can now check Google Play for their own version of Nintendo’s hit mobile platformer! As you might have guessed, that’s none other than Super Mario Run and it indeed has a second port. Just like its iOS counterpart,...

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The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup: look out for the iPad port!

The platform gaming genre has been blessed many times this season and as a player, you can certainly brace yourself for even more action! Things have been working amazingly well on mobile, which caused major developers to turn to iOS and Android for their...

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Oxenfree: is on the App Store

It came as a surprise, but it will surely not go unnoticed! That’s none other than Night School Studio’s Oxenfree! The latter is a pretty impressive adventure game and it can now be downloaded for $3.99. You will certainly wonder why it comes with such...

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Golf Zero has finally been released  

As promised, Colin Lane has finally released Golf Zero on the App Store. The platformer can now be downloaded and it’s free-to-play for gamers aged nine and over. Do note that this title was greatly awaited as it was coming with golf-playing elements,...

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Pokémon Go wins the best mobile game award at the GDC

If there is one game that certainly caught our attention during the year just gone, it will have to be Pokémon Go! In its first weeks, the latter actually caused havoc and traffic jams in urban areas and we can now confirm that it was elected ‘Best Mobile/Handheld...

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The Big Journey: a pretty platformer for iOS

By the 16th of March you should be able to download The Big Journey on your iOS devices! This title will be delivered by Armor Games Studio, but an Android port is yet to be announced. It will also be wise to mention that this game will please cat lovers...

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Kidu: A Relentless Quest – expect a unique platform gaming experience

As you must have noticed, we are really fond of platformers , and talking about them is what we enjoy doing the most! The game we are here to highlight this time is a pretty special one; it’s called Kidu: A Relentless Quest! The latter is presently free...

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Agent Aliens is coming to iOS and Android

If there is one game that we simply could not miss at the GDC, it will have to be Agent Aliens! The latter is a really cool-looking platformer and it was showcased by Indigo Gaming. What’s special about this title is that players will not have to focus...

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Suzy Cube: a forthcoming mobile platformer

As you are certainly aware, mobile platformers are all over the place! The download stores have been taken over and from observations, this seems to have started following the announcement of Super Mario GO. However, things did not slow down after the...

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