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Arcade and mobile game blogs

Super Mario Run: an update is coming to boost things up

It’s been a while since we last heard about Super Mario Run, but rest assured as a new update is on the way! Following the release of iOS 11, things have been moving and the developers at Nintendo have been working on several perks for the platformer....

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ARise: a platformer that will certainly keep you moving!  

With iOS 11, several new features have been included and one of these is the facilitated use of augmented reality within games. ARise is one of the first projects to have been revealed and it’s a platformer that will certainly keep players moving. The...

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Ghoulboy: coming soon to boost the 2D platform-gaming genre

Vintage is the new cool within the mobile game industry and developers are indeed doing their best to meet market needs. Daily releases seem to always include pixelated, arcade-style titles, and these apps have proved to be pretty successful to date....

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Block Fortress: Empires—expect a good mix between Minecraft and Clash of Clans

Foursaken Media is about to deliver its next game, and it’s going to be part of the Block Fortress series. The announcement was made a few days ago; players will enjoy a gameplay that will be a mix between Minecraft and Clash of Clans. Indeed, single...

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King Rabbit: A new expansion is available for even more platformer thrills

In a move to extend the lifespan on their apps, mobile game developers are presently coming up with various strategies. However, the one that seems to work out best is the delivery of regular updates or expansions. This brings in new content and eventually...

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Ankama will release Drag'n'Boom very soon and it’s looking good!

Over the years, we witnessed the launch of all sorts of platformers. However, the game that French developer Ankama is about to release is looking better than anything else and it’s called Drag’n’Boom! The latter will be delivered for mobile in the days...

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Duke Dashington Remastered: typical platformer thrills for mobile gamers

Folks with a smartphone or tablet will soon get download a remake of the awesome Duke Dashington! The latter is presently being developed and from what we know, it will be a fun platformer that will certainly thrill fans. Major mobile stores will be targeted...

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Jutsu: original comic book art within an action-packed platformer

Till date, platform games have taken all sorts of forms and they have always managed to appeal to large portions of the market. The genre got a massive boost with the advent of Super Mario Run, and these days, things are still going strong and new titles...

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