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Arcade and mobile game blogs

Disney Interactive and Marvel reveal their next mobile game

Disney Interactive and Marvel reveal their next mobile game

It’s called Marvel: Avengers Alliance 2 and it will be Disney Interactive’s latest collaboration with Marvel. This brand new project has recently been announced and it will be a turn-based, team role-playing game, exclusively for mobile. We do not know...

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Age of Wushu Dynasty: martial arts like never seen before

If you are into martial arts, you will definitely enjoy the forthcoming Age of Wushu Dynasty! This great PC MMO will soon be ported onto mobile platforms and it will be from developer, Snail Games. Do note that the latter announced that the game will...

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The Room is now free until December 31st

Now that The Room Three is out there on the iOS market, developer, Fireproof, has a treat for players. The original game is free and this promotion will last for about three weeks. Do note that the new version of this puzzle app is now on the Apple App...

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Clash of Clans gets its long awaited Town Hall 11 update  

Those with a maxed Town Hall 10 in Clash of Clans will have a lot to do as from now! The long awaited update has gone live and players can expand their game for even more fun. As mentioned earlier, those with a TH 10 will now be able to move things further...

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Lara Croft Go is now Apple’s game of the year

Square Enix has a winner, and it’s none other than Lara Croft Go! The latter has now been awarded the title of ‘best iOS game of 2015’ and most players will agree that it totally deserves it. Do note that 24 other apps have also been listed as Apple’s...

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Square Enix releases Shard of Life for Lara Croft Go

Those playing the Tomb Raider themed puzzle game by Square Enix have now been treated! The developer has released an expansion to the title and this has obviously given a boost to the whole experience. The update has been named Shard of life and it adds...

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ZED: zombie apocalypse with and endless running twist

If endless running is your thing, you will certainly enjoy ZED. The latter is a forthcoming mobile game and it’s exclusively targeted at the iOS market. Do note that gameplay trailer has been revealed and it showcases some of the action, environments...

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Telltale Games set to release a Batman Game Series

Telltale Games set to release a Batman Game Series

Titles like The Walking Dead series, The Wolf Among Us or Minecraft: Story Mode are Telltale Games’ pride! However, things are only set to get better with the recently announced Batman Game Series. The latter will be released at some point in 2016 and...

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Ustwo is now giving Monument Valley away for free on iOS

From an original cost of $3.99, Ustwo was glad to announce that its award winning puzzle is now free on iOS only. That’s right, Monument Valley will cost you nothing to download and this is a Christmas promotion for fans out there. Do note that we do...

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Pocket Gothic announced for iOS and Android  

Players looking for some dark action will love what Pocket Gothic will have on offer. The mobile game has been announced by Fedeen Games and it will be a fast-paced action side-scrolling that will come with a gothic twist. When it comes to the graphics,...

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