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Arcade and mobile game blogs

Mini Metro: out there to help players design their own subway

Are you fully fed-up with your present subway system? If that’s the case, you will be thrilled with what’s on offer within Mini Metro. The latter is a brand new game from Dinosaur Polo Club and it will actually allow players to design their own tube or...

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Plants vs. Zombies 2 gets a dinosaur themed update

Those into Plants vs. Zombies 2 are surely used to get treated with new levels every now and then. PopCap definitely knows how to treat players and its latest move is a dinosaur themed update. The latter has been named Jurassic Marsh and it will add 16...

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Goat riding looks super cool with BeaverTap’s latest game

A new goat riding game has been released by developer BeaverTap. Do note that the latter is also behind titles like Move the Walls and Mikey Shorts, and Goat Rider will only add to the roster. The app is now seen in major stores and it was launched on...

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Mobile games nominated for The Game Awards 2015 now known

In a few weeks, The Game Awards 2015 will be held at the Microsoft Theatre, downtown Los Angeles. Among the various genres to be praised, mobile games will also have their moment of glory. In a move to set things up prior to the actual ceremony, a list...

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Eminem has his very own mobile game and it’s called Shady Wars  

If you are an Eminem fan, you will be glad to hear that the rapper now has his very own mobile game. The latter has been named Shady Wars and it’s some sort of arcade game where players will have to defend themselves against falling objects. Do note that...

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Frozen Shadows announced as Temple Run 2’s next update

It’s called Frozen Shadows and it has now been announced as Temple Run 2’s next update. Do note that Imangi Studios has revealed little information about this expansion till date. However, we do have a new trailer and it hints about an original snowy...

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Fireproof Games launches The Room Three on iOS exclusively

It will be creepier and even more puzzling than ever! Fireproof Games will certainly serve fans right with their latest production and you can certainly guess what it might be about! That’s none other than the long awaited for, The Room Three and it was...

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft will be called League of Explorers

The next expansion to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has been announced and it will surely surprise! It will have nothing to do with goblins or ogres and it was named League of Explorers. Do note that this new update will focus on single-player fun and...

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Country Friends progressing smoothly towards its launch

The launch date is now closer than ever and Country Friends is something that you are all curious about. The mobile game is being portrayed as some sort of cooperative simulation experience, but nothing more is known. The trailer, now seen online, depicts...

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Tap Tap Dash: a new auto-running experience for mobile

It has been announced as the next real challenge after Flappy Bird and it’s called Tap Tap Dash! The game will be an auto-runner and it’s from the developers of Earn to Die 2. It was revealed that the 250 levels will be presented upon launch and the difficulty...

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